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Welcome you to our school website.

Evangel College is a learning community in which students, parents, teachers and school board members grow and learn. This website contains a lot of information about the school – what she is pursuing, how she sees and does things to achieve her goals. Through visiting the school’s website, I hope you know more about the school and know more how to support the school to nurture our students into good neighbours, good learners and servant leaders in the future.

Evangel College is a place led and blessed by God. The staff, as a whole, loves our students and work faithfully to serve their learning and developmental needs. Besides, the whole staff is dedicated to learning so as to pursue professionalism all the time. However, with just what we do, we could hardly explain why our students grow and develop so quickly. We believe that God is walking and working with us. And I hope when you explore our school website, you are able to see how God works here and blesses us in all we do.

May God bless you, too!

LO Wai Shing Vincent, MH
Chief Principal

♦ Medal of Honour
♦ Outstanding Teacher Award, awarded by The University of Chicago
♦ The Most Influential High School Teacher, awarded by Stanford University
♦ Member of Steering Committee of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
♦ Member of Assessment Panel of Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence
♦ Member of Committee on Science Education of Curriculum Development Council
♦ Member of Sub-committee on School Leadership of Committee on Professional Development of Teachers and Principals (COTAP)
♦ Executive Member of Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council
♦ Founding Chairman of BabyU

About EC

Our mission
From Principal Lo
School Sponsoring Body
Panel of School Advisors
School Management Committee
School's Modus Operandi
A unique campus
Contact Us

Management & Organization

Organization Chart
5 Year Plan
Annual Plan
Evaluation Report
EC Teacher Academy

Teaching & Learning

Teaching and Learning
Through-Train Curriculum
Curriculum Management
Teaching Method
Assessment for Learning
Coping with Learning Diversity
Support of NCS Students


P1 Admission
S1 Admission

Other Link

eClass Parent User Guide

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