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Evangel College adopts English as the medium of instruction in both the primary and secondary section. To support students using English for interactive learning, the school has developed a set of classroom English for doing discussion and trains students to use it in subjects taught in English.

Subjects taught from P.1 to P.6 include English, Chinese & Putonghua, Mathematics, General Studies, Physical Education, Music, Visual Arts, Life Value Education and Creative Technology.
Subjects taught from S.1 to S.3 include English, Chinese & Putonghua, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Liberal Studies, Music, Visual Arts, Life Value Education, China Studies and Creative Technology.
The school will adopt the local Senior Secondary Curriculum, requiring students to study Chinese, English, Mathematics, Liberal Studies and 3 other optional subjects.

Evangel College identifies and addresses the essential learning targets adequately, and organizes and sequences teaching in a spiral and stratified progressive way so that students might repeat learning the targets to the level of mastery.

Evangel College practises learning-centred teaching that addresses the concerns of “high motivation”, “high engagement”, “high expectation” and “high display”.

Evangel College monitors students’ learning closely through diversified assessment methods:
Formative assessment in form of performance assessments,
Summative assessment in form of paper-and-pencil tests,
Benchmarking assessment conducted or supported by external accreditation bodies,
Self-regulated assessment attempted by students on voluntary basis,
Parent-assisted assessment.

Evangel College provides timely feedback to students during lessons and sends Summative School Report as well as Formative School Report to parents after each term. The school also compiles subject reports after summative assessment, providing parents and students with feedback on what they do well and what they need to improve.

Evangel College endeavours to support students with diverse learning needs, ensuring no child is left behind and students’ potentials are extended fully. The measures taken are as follows:


Operate the Multi-sensory Learning Centre to support primary students with special education needs
Operate the Parent Centre to train parents to support students to grow and learn

Train parent helpers and secondary students to read stories daily to primary students who need support in learning English or Chinese.
Provide remedial support for primary students during the tutorial period.

Conduct the Learning Marathon Program that builds the capacity of secondary students to learn.

Engage secondary students in English Reading Tutoring Program, English Remedial Class and Self-regulated Learning and Assessment Program in Math.
Design differentiated class work and homework to challenge all students.
Organize mixed-abilities study groups to support low achievers through peer tutoring.

About EC

Our mission
From Principal Lo
School Sponsoring Body
Panel of School Advisors
School Management Committee
School's Modus Operandi
A unique campus
Contact Us

Management & Organization

Organization Chart
5 Year Plan
Annual Plan
Evaluation Report
EC Teacher Academy

Teaching & Learning

Teaching and Learning
Through-Train Curriculum
Curriculum Management
Teaching Method
Assessment for Learning
Coping with Learning Diversity
Support of NCS Students


P1 Admission
S1 Admission

Other Link

eClass Parent User Guide
CloudSAMS (websams)

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