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1. Introduction 3. School Ethos 5. SWOT Analysis
2. Teaching and Learning 4. Organization and Management 6. Recommendations


1. Introduction
This document was written by the principal, discussed and amended in the School Development Committee, and endorsed in both the staff meeting and the School Management Committee. It gives an account of the progress and self-evaluation of the school.
Chapter 2, 3 and 4 give an account of the tasks done in teaching and learning (Chapter 2), school ethos (Chapter 3), and management and organization (Chapter 4) and how well they were done in the school year. The school’s self-evaluation was conducted based on the results of the stakeholder surveys, APASO surveys as well as the School Development Committee’s perception analysis. At the end of the school year, an SWOT analysis was done; Chapter 5 gives a detailed account of the analysis. The SWOT analysis was then used for making recommendations for the school’s future development (Chapter 6).
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2. Teaching and Learning
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3. School Ethos
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4. Organization and Management
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5. SWOT Analysis
  • The school performed well in the following areas

    • School Ethos
      • The school built a very strong school culture. Life Value Education was implemented as a subject as well as in the school campus life – Life Wide Learning, Guidance Programs, counseling and discipline etc.
      • The rapport between teachers and students was very good.
      • The campus life experience was rich, giving students a strong sense of opportunities and adventure.
      • The school emphasized social harmony and students were able to acquire social skills and develop interpersonal competence. The social integration was therefore satisfactory.
      • Students demonstrated good ethical conduct and civic oriented behaviour.
      • Students held a very positive view about the school and acquired satisfaction in their school life.
      • The school has developed the sense of belonging to the school, and participated well in life wide learning.

    • Teaching and Learning
      • The school did well in curriculum planning, organization and management
      • Teachers demonstrated good knowledge and attitude.
      • Teachers made considerable effort to teach learning strategies, conduct high quality teaching as well as formative and summative assessment.
      • Students were willing to learn and acquired strategies to learn.

    • Organization and Management:
      • The school spelt out the vision and mission clearly and shared them among teachers. The internal communication for school improvement was good. Teachers did program planning well as reflected in the curriculum planning and organization.
      • The school emphasized staff development, supervision and appraisal to improve the quality of teaching. Indeed, teachers demonstrated professionalism as reflected in knowledge and attitude, and teaching strategies and skills.
      • The school developed strong home-school partnership and school-community partnership to support school development.

    • Weaknesses
      • Most subject panels practised collaborative lesson preparation but some subject panels, especially those which had only one teacher member, failed to do so.
      • The school purchased a lot of graded English readers; but the collection of Chinese readers was not adequate.
      • The school building was a very new design and needed some improvement with respect to safety.

    • Opportunities
      • Our P.1 and S.1 students had a strong sense of belonging to the school and demonstrated willingness to serve their schoolmates as well as the school. The school should view students as partners of the school, training and engaging them to help the school in peer support, class climate and campus culture building.
      • Parents love, respect and trust the school. The school should educate and engage parents to serve the school and help their children grow and learn.
      • The school developed close partnership with its church partner, EFCC Evangel College Wendell Memorial Church. The school should engage the church partner more to support the school in spiritual education.
      • The school developed a strong staff culture. Current teachers might contribute to consolidate, strengthen and sustain the culture in the coming school year.

    • Threat
      • The school is going to expand quickly. Both the staff size and student population double in the second school year. The sustained development of the school relies strongly on (1) closer communication and wider collaboration among teachers, (2) more intensive school-based staff development, (3) stronger support to teachers and (4) stronger effort and leadership of the middle management. Otherwise, teachers might not be able to understand adequately and implement substantially the vision and mission of the school.
      • As the school takes up the new batches of P.1 and S.1 students, the attention of the school to P.2 and S.2 students will unavoidably diluted. The school needs to devise policies to address the needs of both current students and new students, or the development of student culture will slow down.
      • Parents love the school and have a strong expectation on the school, so they need a channel to express their views and understand the school’s development. The school therefore must develop stronger home-school partnership; otherwise, misunderstanding and miscommunication between the school and the parents might create problems that hinder the school development.


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6. Recommendations
Organization and Management
  • Align and develop teachers to fulfill the vision and mission of the school.
  • Develop non-language teachers to use English to teach in classroom.
  • Develop and expand the middle management to sustain the development of the school.
  • Improve the communication between the senior management and subject panels.
  • Operate the Parent Centre to educate parents to work with the school to nurture their children.
  • Open more channels to communicate with parents.
  • Align the church, the tertiary and the professional bodies to support the school’s development regarding curriculum development, teaching and learning, spiritual education and school ethos building.
  • Capture and disseminate the corporate wisdom through publication.
  • Be prepared for the development in the third year and the senior secondary studies.
School Ethos
  • Promote the school’s core values among students, teachers and parents as follows:

    • Core Christian values
      • Great Commission
        • Creation
        • Fall of man
        • Incarnation
        • Salvation
        • Fulfillment
      • Great Commandment
        • Love
    • Core Themes & Life Values
      • Core themes
        • Be a Servant Leader
        • Be a Good Neighbour
        • Be a Good Learner
        • Responsibility
        • Perseverance
        • Wisdom
        • Choice
  • Set up the portfolio system to record the holistic development of students and provide them with feedback.

  • Set up the EC Cadets to develop more student leaders.
Teaching and Learning
  • Develop the capacity of students to learn.
  • Improve the reading culture of students.
  • Support teachers to conduct high quality teaching and learning in classroom.
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About EC

Our mission
From Principal Lo
School Sponsoring Body
Panel of School Advisors
School Management Committee
School's Modus Operandi
A unique campus
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Management & Organization

Organization Chart
5 Year Plan
Annual Plan
Evaluation Report
EC Teacher Academy

Teaching & Learning

Teaching and Learning
Through-Train Curriculum
Curriculum Management
Teaching Method
Assessment for Learning
Coping with Learning Diversity
Support of NCS Students


P1 Admission
S1 Admission

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